Next Generation Cold Water Protection
As an IMMERSION SUIT, the Arctic 10+ is the warmest, most comfortable suit available. It far exceeds regulation requirements and is certified by UL to comply with the USCG, MED, and Transport Canada. The innovative design allows user to open the suit from within to access bare hands for eating, drinking and performing first aid.
Extra buoyancy allows you to float ABOVE the water, not in it. Stay dry in a suit that feels more like a comfy sleeping bag than the normal restricted neoprene immersion suit.
Deploying the unique, extendable Splash Tent, creates a Personal Habitat for eating, drinking, and sleeping, while remaining protected from the wind, rain, and waves.
Think you don’t need the best protection offered by the Arctic 10+ in the waters where you will be navigating? The Arctic 10+ allows you to regulate the temperature inside if you happen to be in temperate waters, but if it does get colder, or even if you are in the extremes of the Polar regions, you can stay warm, dry, comfortable, and SURVIVE.
As a POLAR SURVIVAL SUIT, the Arctic 10+ can be worn in different configuration, fully dressed, partially open, or hanging off the shoulder, allowing you the ability to be fully protected in a minutes notice, while surviving during the 5 days minimum rescue time mandated by the Polar Code.
ISO 24452 Ships and marine technology —
Personal and group survival kit for
use in polar water
White Glacier Hypothermia Protective Suits
Made in the USA
Ask for a special quote for vessel or fleet

We are a group of highly dynamic, creative and experienced United States Government contractors, ready to go that extra mile to create premium life support items for our customers.
Our commitment to product design and quality is the reason why our clients choose us.
We set out to lift the standards of protection afforded by immersion suits and created the Arctic 10+, a revolutionary approach to not only meeting compliance standards but ensuring users survive in the most challenging conditions.

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